Well, Here It Is
I just finished installing WordPress and if you’re reading this, everything is OK. I’m still looking for an appropriate theme. I’ll probably end up customizing one pretty heavily once I get the hang of WP’s templates. So for now, you get to look at a random picture of a dog (not Sasha).
Unfortunately, I think I’ve lost all my old MovableType entries from the old site. If I can recover them, I’ll think about trying to import them. We’ll see.
I like the theme. Very classic, not unlike the 18th century blogs IT anthropoligists are starting to uncover.
One qauestion…what is “Colophon”?
“In publishing, a colophon describes details of the production of a book. This information generally includes the typefaces used, and often the names of their designers; the paper, ink and details of the binding materials and methods may also receive mention….
…Some Web pages also have colophons, which frequently contain (X)HTML, CSS, or usability standards compliance information and links to Web site validation tests.”