In The Shadow Of The Steel Stacks
Posted by Rich on October 18, 2013 in Uncategorized | ∞

Bethlehem, PA
Twitter Updates for 2012-05-06
Posted by Rich on May 6, 2012 in Uncategorized | ∞
- Song playing in the Stop & Shop: "My Baby Takes The Morning Train." Thought I'd repressed that memory. #ugh #
- @lecpro Go Hayden! in reply to lecpro #
- Listening to "Paul's Boutique" in memoriam. RIP Adam Yauch. #
- Shannon playing at the new outdoor stage at @theouterspacect . There's a flea market too. http://t.co/wM37c486 #
- Seeing The Avengers tonight in IMAX. (@ Rave Motion Pictures Connecticut Post 14 + IMAX) http://t.co/IxQABiC3 #
- Avengers: Very good overall. Lots of Joss Whedon clever dialog, but it seemed a bit subsumed by the big CGI action stuff, esp. in IMAX 3D #
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Twitter Updates for 2012-04-29
Posted by Rich on April 29, 2012 in Uncategorized | ∞
- If the phone system is smart enough to recognize I didn't need to dial the 1 (and tell me so), why can't it just connect me anyway? #
- We can only hope. RT @invalidname Now, do you suppose Apple will actually release source for their #wwdc demos this year?… #
- Imagine the horror of waking up to no milk for coffee! (@ 7-Eleven) http://t.co/ZwEhkUkd #
- Heading into the city to celebrate Shannon's birthday! (with Shannon at @MetroNorthTweet) — http://t.co/DS41d4eU #
- Metro North Tracks. http://t.co/Usoadi9j #
- Let's Go Rangers! (On the S) http://t.co/nkUfRb7B #
- Key Lime cupcake FTW. (@ Magnolia Bakery w/ @shanmcbru) http://t.co/KyyYF9jL #
- Afternoon Tea and scones. (@ Alice's Tea Cup) http://t.co/pKpkDsDd #
- Afternoon Tea and scones. (@ Alice's Tea Cup) [pic]: http://t.co/pKpkDsDd #
- I'm at Brother Jimmy's BBQ w/ @shanmcbru [pic]: http://t.co/0o0zTWhY #
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Twitter Updates for 2012-04-22
Posted by Rich on April 22, 2012 in Uncategorized | ∞
- Does anyone else think the Tupac holographic duet at Coachella is amazingly cool and disturbingly creepy, all at the same time? #
- The Tupac hologram at Coachella: How they did it. As I said before, pretty cool tech. But kind of tasteless & creepy. http://t.co/abvNkKj4 #
- So the explanation of NSOperation in this Technical Note is better than the actual documentation. http://t.co/NApPFHSS #
- <click> Taxes filed. #
- Don't touch that dial! – What's a dial? “@rands: When you say "Stay tuned," I wonder how long people will know what that really means.†#
- @MelMulligan It's only logical. in reply to MelMulligan #
- So true: Extinguishing yourself. http://t.co/QxBTYw0q #
- @nguarracino and @cbassV Are you aware of this? http://t.co/eYOzjgzA #
- So sad. Will watch The Last Waltz tonight. RT @allsongs Levon Helm, drummer and singer for The Band has died http://t.co/A2EZXyQz #
- Old-timey uniforms for Yankees and Red Sox today. Did they change the ticket prices too? #guessingnot #
- So, what's that, 6 home runs so far in this game? And still in the 6th inning! #Yankees #
- @calamita What pizza is that? Also, nice shirt! in reply to calamita #
- First day open for the season! (@ River Dog w/ @shanmcbru) http://t.co/GTjrtWZf #
- The accidental picture came out the best of the bunch. http://t.co/GUxPi4cX #
- Proving once again, "It ain't over til it's over." #Yankees #
- 26 hits so far in this game. Who says baseball is boring? #sarcasm #lousypitching #Yankees #
- @tyronem Recall the famous quote from Yogi about determining when it's over. Also, it's now 14 runs. in reply to tyronem #
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Twitter Updates for 2012-04-15
Posted by Rich on April 15, 2012 in Uncategorized | ∞
- @tyronem No fluffernutters? in reply to tyronem #
- Seriously? A *billion* dollars for Instagram?
*Cough* tech-bubble *cough* #
- @tyronem Oh, I don't blame them at all – "Please, go away with all that cash. I don't want any" 🙂 But the deal still seems way over-valued. in reply to tyronem #
- @bcriscuolo I love all the different ways they try to camouflage the ramps – shrubbery, hay bales, boxes. in reply to bcriscuolo #
- @calamita RT @nhregister Update: Firefighters battle large brush fire in Milford, now with more photos,video http://t.co/FXSPAN0l #
- Oh no! Not the EVOO! http://t.co/xY1QoD8l (via @gothamist) #
- @nguarracino Did you take the train home today? Get caught up in the brush fire delay? in reply to nguarracino #
- @nguarracino @tyronem Ha! I was in Cafe Atlantique around 6. Dropping off a friend to go back to NYC. Didn't get on a train until 10:15. in reply to nguarracino #
- @tyronem @nguarracino If we hadn't stopped for a bite to eat he would have been home free. Oops. in reply to tyronem #
- @nguarracino @tyronem We walked up the little hill to the station around 6:30-6:45 and you could see billowing black smoke down the line. in reply to nguarracino #
- . @calamita @EmilyCalamita Metro North fire lead story on ch. 8. Fire was very close to tracks. Much bigger than I thought. #
- Want. RT @marcoarment Tons of people asked about my 1-star Useless mug yesterday: http://t.co/XsEqPlz7 #
- @jeff_lamarche There's only 1 left in stock because the Instagram people are buying them all up. in reply to jeff_lamarche #
- Found a plastic Easter Egg on the front lawn, with some candy inside. Guess the Easter Bunny is for real. #
- Going to have a grilled cheese for lunch, since it's National Grilled Cheese Day. #
- @nguarracino There's a semiconductor plant in West Haven? in reply to nguarracino #
- @nguarracino "Your partner in minor metals." That's pretty catchy! in reply to nguarracino #
- @bcriscuolo So what do you use it for? Receipts, statements, that kind of thing? Have you become paperless? in reply to bcriscuolo #
- Watching Yankees opening day ceremonies. I miss Bob Sheppard. #
- Hip, hip… Jorge! #
- Happy drinks at Red Robin. http://t.co/UuKZsiif #
- Bllind taste test of "Lite" syrups this morning w/ @shanmcbru. Log Cabin beat out Aunt Jemima. Turns out LC has real sugar. #thatexplainsit #
- Sunday morning trio: Coffee, NY Times and Formula 1. #
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Twitter Updates for 2012-04-08
Posted by Rich on April 8, 2012 in Uncategorized | ∞
- It's just not a party until there's a fire in the oven, the alarm system triggers and the security company calls. @calamita #
- Mmmmm, tasty. http://t.co/nmtI4zMx #
- Remember the Great Oven Fire of 2012? Those were the days! @calamita #
- @nguarracino Everything from that oven ended up with a subtle smoky flavor. 🙂 Also, no one seemed to be able to shut off the alarm. in reply to nguarracino #
- Watching Taxicab Confessions on HBO GO. Wondering how many completely boring/banal rides they have to film to get one really interesting one #
- Re Taxicab Confessions- Interesting article, but just as interesting is the fact that there's a taxi driver with a blog http://t.co/GYee3egy #
- Last day of Yankees spring training. It all begins again Friday! #IBelieveInTheChurchOfBaseball #BullDurham #
- All of a sudden I'm seeing lots of talk about "Dire Wolves". Guess it's a Game of Thrones ref, but I keep thinking of the Grateful Dead song #
- What's got two thumbs and a clean, uninfected Mac? This guy! #
- @calamita At least she's looking for oncoming traffic. 🙂 in reply to calamita #
- Home watching Yankees opening day. Beer of the game: Blue Moon Spring Blonde Wheat Ale. Because spring means baseball! #
- Today's baseball lesson: a fouled off bunt with 2 strikes is a called 3rd strike. #whoknew #
- @tyronem Congrats! Enjoy the weekend. in reply to tyronem #
- Rivera's last opening day appearence. 🙁 #
- Sunrise Easter Service (@ Jones Family Farms) http://t.co/i0YHlMXh #
- Easter sunrise service. #Hipstamatic #JohnS #Inas1969 http://t.co/YeY2DXw6 #
- Made blueberry pancakes for Easter breakfast. The sunrise service was very cool, but 5:30 is way too early to be getting up. (with Shannon) #
- Watching One Direction perform on SNL. Boy Bands are like some zombie plague – you kill them off, but more just keep coming. #
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Twitter Updates for 2012-04-01
Posted by Rich on April 1, 2012 in Uncategorized | ∞
- @nguarracino That's kind of disturbing. #heresjohnny #allworkandnoplaymakejackadullboy #
- Say… that GoDaddy driver looks familiar… but there's something different… http://t.co/72fxbbKu #
- @IAIndyFan @pressdog Thanks! I'm in. in reply to IAIndyFan #
- I'm at Starbucks w/ @shanmcbru http://t.co/JBDJZEpk #
- Now why would they be selling table tennis balls with the beer at Stop & Shop? 🙂 http://t.co/nCExzjm3 #
- @nguarracino I'm not sure I'd want to be "spooning" with any of my colleagues/co-workers. 🙂 #
- @nguarracino Interesting movie. Jack White is a character. in reply to nguarracino #
- I'm at Gaetano's Deli w/ @shanmcbru http://t.co/HAwzDGcl #
- Imperial Walker/ Bottle Opener/ Corkscrew http://t.co/Vy44mqm0 #
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Twitter Updates for 2012-03-25
Posted by Rich on March 25, 2012 in Uncategorized | ∞
- @cbassV Good news – you can sleep in until 3:30 AM next weekend! #
- Happy Spring! #
- HBO GO is now supported by Cablevision. Finally! Now I can catch up on Game of Thrones and maybe Boardwalk Empire. #
- Looking forward to more Tebowie from @jimmyfallon now that he's going to NYC! #
- I feel like New Girl is a horrible show that's just a few tweaks away from being a great show. #
- Threw on a polo shirt and jeans to get to the grocery store early. Why did no one tell me it was on inside out? Looking at you @shanmcbru! #
- @pressdog @PopOffValve @99forever Is anyone in the IndyCar twitterverse doing the IndyCarNation Fantasy racing thing? Any open leagues? #
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Twitter Updates for 2012-03-18
Posted by Rich on March 18, 2012 in Uncategorized | ∞
- Note to self: when you forget to turn the thermostat clock ahead, it's really cold when you get up in the morning. #firstworldproblems #
- @calamita God's apparently too busy helping Grammy winners and Tim Tebow. in reply to calamita #
- @nguarracino Was there a large anvil hanging above it? in reply to nguarracino #
- Completely forgot it's the Ides of March, and consequently forgot to beware. I seem to have survived though. #ignoranceisbliss #
- @nguarracino @cbassV Yes, definitely! Though I'm wondering if they can top crashing into a jet engine powered track drier and blowing it up. in reply to nguarracino #
- @nguarracino @cbassV Seriously though, should be a great season if a certain someone doesn't win every race. Still confused about Lotus. in reply to nguarracino #
- @nguarracino @cbassV Also IndyCar: new Chevy/Honda/Lotus turbo engines. And Rubens Barrichello. Sadly, no Dan Wheldon. in reply to nguarracino #
- @nguarracino @cbassV Forgot about him – definitely interesting. Guess NASCAR wasn't his cup of tea. Still waiting for the GP of Weehawken. in reply to nguarracino #
- @cbassV @nguarracino Think the race is at 1:30 AM Sunday morning on Speed. (live from Melbourne) Fire up your DVR! in reply to cbassV #
- Looks like the new version of The Daily iPad app has removed the carousel view. I think it ended up being more slick than useful. #
- Not sure which is odder – Springsteen being at SxSW or giving a "Keynote Address". In any case, it's pretty cool. http://t.co/fr4UvgrC #
- @bcriscuolo Congrats Brian! in reply to bcriscuolo #
- RT “@mcmahonmusic: Here's how I'm celebrating St. Patrick's Day. How are you celebrating yours? http://t.co/kqCwHAV7†#
- F1 2012 has started! Watching qualifying while doing the laundry. #multitasking #
- Goodnight iPad! http://t.co/kqE0ffoM #
- He'Brew – The Chosen Beer http://t.co/UNy0byQX #
- It's not often you get to someone's 305th Birthday. http://t.co/D5HlZajA #
- At @PerryHouseCT St. Patrick's Day benefit gig with @mcmahonmusic http://t.co/gJSVl5Si #
- @nguarracino If you don't rack up a big credit card bill, then the terrorists win. in reply to nguarracino #
- @nguarracino I'll bet Red Bull gets competitive again within 3 races. Ferrari I'm not so sure about. in reply to nguarracino #
- @cbassV That's hard core. A true fan. Meanwhile, I'll be fast asleep. #letthedvrdothework in reply to cbassV #
- @nguarracino Yeah, it's too bad – my wife has a little thing for Alonso. 🙂 in reply to nguarracino #
- On a "new" train to NYC. Nice. #
- Dim Sum! (@ Golden Unicorn Restaurant) http://t.co/xA7tSyAm #
- @pressdog That's awesome! Looking forward to the trademark p-dog humor applied to Bernie and company. in reply to pressdog #
- So how much do I owe? http://t.co/DPQRwylm #
- @tyronem Saw lots of folks downtown earlier with the post race blankets. Nice day for it too. in reply to tyronem #
- @tyronem That's great! in reply to tyronem #
- @calamita Where's our cookie? 🙂 cc @shanmcbru in reply to calamita #
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