Look to the cookie, Elaine. Look to the cookie.

Posted by Rich on February 16, 2006 in Life |

Back in December,’James Yu over at Slashfood posted about the Black and White
cookie, made famous by the’Seinfeld episode ‘The Dinner Party.’ Readers gave their own opinions
on the origin of the cookie.’

Now The Philadelphia Daily News not only has a little history on the cookie, but they also give the recipe for the ultimate Black &
White’cookie. In case you’re’throwing your own Seinfeld related party. (Of course,’you can always order them online if you’re too busy to make them
yourself.)’Make sure you wear your manssiere and bring some chocolate babka’for your hosts.’

[via TV Tattle]


Black and Whites are my favorite cookie. I’ll often get one downstairs at Grand Central on the way into the city.

(Via TV Squad.)


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