Simpsons live-action video a marketing campaign

Posted by Rich on March 13, 2006 in News |

Simpsons live-action video a marketing campaign: ”

live action simpsons skyThis way cool live-action version of the opening
sequence of The Simpsons might be a little less cool now that we know what it’s about. It turns out, the video
is part of a viral marketing
by UK broadcasting network, Sky. The network and its ad agency created the dead-on, live-action video as
part of an on-air promotion for The Simpsons. They even had the blessings of Simpsons producers and
creator Matt Groening. The ad gurus thought it was so cool that they decided to launch it on the internet and just let
word-of-mouth go to work for them. Obviously, they were successful. The video is huge right now. And, unlike NBC, Sky has no plans to
pull it from the ‘net.

I had a feeling it was something like that. the effects are too good for someone random Joe to have made in iMovie.

(Via TV Squad.)

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