Twitter Updates for 2010-08-15
- ESPN announcer: "My name is Juan Pablo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." Yeah. Hi-larious. #
- Voted in the state primary today. Perhaps now the inundation of campaign literature and robo-calls will cease. #
- RT @thedailywhat The Daily What http://bit.ly/c1NdbQ #
- Shannon playing open mic at The Huntington St. Cafe tonight. Stop on by if you're in the area. #
- Pilgrimage to Yasgur's Farm completed. 2.5 hour drive each way for a 1 hr. set. Was worth it though – Shan rocked & got a lot of compliments #
- Regarding an empty bottle in the car, @shanmcbru says "Oh, you can delete that." Too much time at the computer? #
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