In The Shadow Of The Steel Stacks

Posted by Rich on October 18, 2013 in Uncategorized |

Bethlehem, PA


Prime 16 For Dinner

Posted by Rich on October 17, 2013 in Uncategorized |

With Bill and Emily



Twitter Updates for 2012-05-06

Posted by Rich on May 6, 2012 in Uncategorized |

Song playing in the Stop & Shop: "My Baby Takes The Morning Train." Thought I'd repressed that memory. #ugh # @lecpro Go Hayden! in reply to lecpro # Listening to "Paul's Boutique" in memoriam. RIP Adam Yauch. # Shannon playing at the new outdoor stage at @theouterspacect . There's a flea market too. http://t.co/wM37c486 # […]


Twitter Updates for 2012-04-29

Posted by Rich on April 29, 2012 in Uncategorized |

If the phone system is smart enough to recognize I didn't need to dial the 1 (and tell me so), why can't it just connect me anyway? # We can only hope. RT @invalidname Now, do you suppose Apple will actually release source for their #wwdc demos this year?… # Imagine the horror of waking […]


Twitter Updates for 2012-04-22

Posted by Rich on April 22, 2012 in Uncategorized |

Does anyone else think the Tupac holographic duet at Coachella is amazingly cool and disturbingly creepy, all at the same time? # The Tupac hologram at Coachella: How they did it. As I said before, pretty cool tech. But kind of tasteless & creepy. http://t.co/abvNkKj4 # So the explanation of NSOperation in this Technical Note […]


Twitter Updates for 2012-04-15

Posted by Rich on April 15, 2012 in Uncategorized |

@tyronem No fluffernutters? in reply to tyronem # Seriously? A *billion* dollars for Instagram? *Cough* tech-bubble *cough* # @tyronem Oh, I don't blame them at all – "Please, go away with all that cash. I don't want any" 🙂 But the deal still seems way over-valued. in reply to tyronem # @bcriscuolo I love all […]


Twitter Updates for 2012-04-08

Posted by Rich on April 8, 2012 in Uncategorized |

It's just not a party until there's a fire in the oven, the alarm system triggers and the security company calls. @calamita # Mmmmm, tasty. http://t.co/nmtI4zMx # Remember the Great Oven Fire of 2012? Those were the days! @calamita # @nguarracino Everything from that oven ended up with a subtle smoky flavor. 🙂 Also, no […]


Twitter Updates for 2012-04-01

Posted by Rich on April 1, 2012 in Uncategorized |

@nguarracino That's kind of disturbing. #heresjohnny #allworkandnoplaymakejackadullboy # Say… that GoDaddy driver looks familiar… but there's something different… http://t.co/72fxbbKu # @IAIndyFan @pressdog Thanks! I'm in. in reply to IAIndyFan # I'm at Starbucks w/ @shanmcbru http://t.co/JBDJZEpk # Now why would they be selling table tennis balls with the beer at Stop & Shop? 🙂 http://t.co/nCExzjm3 […]


Twitter Updates for 2012-03-25

Posted by Rich on March 25, 2012 in Uncategorized |

@cbassV Good news – you can sleep in until 3:30 AM next weekend! # Happy Spring! # HBO GO is now supported by Cablevision. Finally! Now I can catch up on Game of Thrones and maybe Boardwalk Empire. # Looking forward to more Tebowie from @jimmyfallon now that he's going to NYC! # I feel […]


Twitter Updates for 2012-03-18

Posted by Rich on March 18, 2012 in Uncategorized |

Note to self: when you forget to turn the thermostat clock ahead, it's really cold when you get up in the morning. #firstworldproblems # @calamita God's apparently too busy helping Grammy winners and Tim Tebow. in reply to calamita # @nguarracino Was there a large anvil hanging above it? in reply to nguarracino # Completely […]

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