Twitter Updates for 2011-10-02

Posted by Rich on October 2, 2011 in Uncategorized |
  • @bcriscuolo Still remember reading "Night" in high school. in reply to bcriscuolo #
  • I had no idea being an airline stewardess was so glamourous and exciting. #maybenot #panam #
  • From 1963 to 1991: Watching Nirvana "Live at the Paramount" concert. Didn't notice at the time what a good drummer Dave Grohl was. #
  • @ctwebsites Yes, so far. I think it has some potential beyond that though, esp. w.r.t. the spy angle. Could go a number of different ways. in reply to ctwebsites #
  • @warmwindssoft Trello is awesome! Hadn't heard about Test Flight – sounds pretty cool, have to check it out. in reply to warmwindssoft #
  • Holy crap, TextMate 2 is really coming? #chinesedemocracy #dukenukimforever http://t.co/AYjfXja7 #
  • @michellebranch “Puree Shaped Meats Country Style Pork and Binder Product.”? Mmmmmm, that sounds tasty! How will I survive without it? #
  • Headlines this morning in The Daily regarding the Red Sox & Braves collapse: "Evan Sent", "Burning of Atlanta", "Chokers Wild" #
  • Well, today's the day fall officially starts for me. I'm out of @Starbucks ice coffee blend, so it's back to the hot stuff until next year. #
  • Shannon sound check at Neverending Bookss http://t.co/54vLoV93 #
  • Shannon at Neverending Books http://t.co/qQkimjgC #
  • @don_k_gunn Nice! What mic is that? Also, love the Cartman. in reply to don_k_gunn #
  • @nguarracino Sad thing is, they're not the only ones doing it. I think it's because there are now limits on merchant transaction fees. in reply to nguarracino #
  • @MelMulligan Uh, Dick, I mean Rich, will milk be made available to us? in reply to MelMulligan #
  • Maybe its just happy childhood memories, but I actually like Friendly's. “@blyte: Friendly's faces unhappy ending: http://t.co/n4kHwa6x" #
  • @pressdog Dogs are good at reminding you about what's really important in life. Like giving them treats. 🙂 in reply to pressdog #
  • Good grief. Just saw the Winklevii on a pistachio commercial. #
  • And now the Angry Birds on the followup pistachio commercial. #isnothingsacred #
  • Funny but sadly true. “@calamita: A new era in emergency response… RT @stevesilberman: Sign of the day. http://t.co/4DOw4rJM” #
  • Anyone do cooking/baking measurements by weight? Seems to me if you have a zeroing scale, you won't need any measuring implements at all. #
  • @JoeCascio I'm diving into Android myself. Trying to keep an open mind, but I'm still partial to iOS. Using Eclipse doesn't help either. in reply to JoeCascio #
  • @tyronem Didn't it used to be 8:00 PM? When did that change? in reply to tyronem #
  • @tyronem No you might be right. Thought I saw a package store sign the other day that said 9:00 PM. But I remember it being 8:00. in reply to tyronem #
  • @JoeCascio I don't know, I kind of like Objective C. 🙂 But in the end it's the frameworks that determine what you can and can't do easily. in reply to JoeCascio #
  • @JoeCascio I think that Cocoa has some pretty cool stuff. in reply to JoeCascio #
  • @JoeCascio Well sure, Java and Obj-C can't compete with Python. 🙂 in reply to JoeCascio #
  • @tyronem @nguarracino more time for beer drinking then. 🙂 in reply to tyronem #
  • Captain Morgan commercial has Iggy Pop's "The Passenger" in background. Just impulse bought it on iTunes. Iggy's plan to sell out is working #
  • @calamita Well I was thinking about using recipes that have ingredients by weight. Harder to find here, apparently much more common overseas in reply to calamita #
  • Goodnight Detroit! #
  • Ok, so now Keyboard Cat is doing pistachio commercials. Play me off… #
  • @JoeCascio Seen the O'reilly book "Learning Android"? I found it helpful. Basically a tutorial that takes you through writing a whole app. in reply to JoeCascio #
  • @pressdog I think that's a sandwich at the Carnegie Deli. in reply to pressdog #
  • @MacCooney Are you tweeting from the orchestra pit? 🙂 in reply to MacCooney #

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