Twitter Updates for 2011-11-20

Posted by Rich on November 20, 2011 in Uncategorized |
  • Yikes! 21 year old founder of Diaspora dies. Just got an invite the other day – it had some really interesting features. Very sad. #
  • Watching the F1 race in Abu Dhabi. Have to say, that is the coolest most futuristic track I've ever seen. Looks like the Grand Prix of Space #
  • @nguarracino Ha! "Dammit, why can't we get enough downforce???" in reply to nguarracino #
  • So the guy who's bringing F1 to NY founded the YES Network and won at Le Mans in GT2. Interesting resume. Guess if anyone's qualified, he is #
  • @ScratchBakingCT Thanks for having it! Looking forward to Pumpkin Roulade on Thanksgiving. in reply to ScratchBakingCT #
  • @lecpro Agreed. After Thanksgiving is when Christmas season starts, not before Halloween! in reply to lecpro #
  • @bcriscuolo It's awesome being untethered from iTunes! in reply to bcriscuolo #
  • Note to self: Saving something to @instapaper is not the same as actually reading it. #infinitereadinglist #
  • Bootsy Collins doing an Old Navy commercial for, um, boots. P-Funk royalties must be down. Does their target audience even know who he is? #
  • @MacCooney Great idea! Combat ear fatigue by placing headphones directly over your brain. in reply to MacCooney #
  • Wise words from B: Ò€œ@Bootsy_Collins: @rbruchal Don't matter the target market, the funk will funk you up, IF EXPOSED. Now go funk somebody! #
  • In all seriousness, @Bootsy_Collins is right. And if the target audience doesn't know who is is, they should. πŸ™‚ #
  • @pressdog Summary of most every Mailbag: 1. Things suck. 2. It's not like the good old days. 3. Tony George/TGBB is bad. in reply to pressdog #
  • @MelMulligan I <3 telecasters. Bruce, Keith, Joe Strummer, Steve Cropper. The first solid body, really. in reply to MelMulligan #
  • I've seen this more than once – Wisdom of the Ancients http://t.co/hKGnVZjO #
  • Seen on a t-shirt ad: "Serotonin & Dopamine. Technically, the only things you enjoy." #
  • Struggling to figure out how/why there are 2 teams called "Lotus" in F1? Here's a handy diagram explaining it all: http://t.co/eeqWMQMQ #
  • @nguarracino Sadly, it's the closest I've come so far to actually understanding the whole thing. in reply to nguarracino #
  • @lecpro Remember- Wax on, wax off. Paint the fence. in reply to lecpro #
  • @tyronem <Panics> Global warming hits us where it hurts. in reply to tyronem #
  • Shopping carts should have horns. Just a thought. #
  • Switching back and forth between Michigan/Nebraska and "The Game". #
  • And the UConn game. #
  • @NorrisShepherd That's why it's going away. πŸ™‚ in reply to NorrisShepherd #
  • Yikes! Fatal accident in the tailgating lot at Yale/Harvard game. Kind of glad we didn't go this year. http://t.co/ugjdOXaG #
  • @codinghorror IMHO, Monsters is one of their best. Bugs Life, not so much. in reply to codinghorror #
  • Shannon playing a gig at this tiny, but very cool place. (@ RW's BBQ w/ @shanmcbru) [pic]: http://t.co/8ZHwcDxl #
  • Ordered apple pie for dessert. My waitress did not know the phrase "a la mode". Jeez. #
  • @altonbrown We'll be watching! If anythIng goes wrong, we're blaming @calamita πŸ™‚ in reply to altonbrown #
  • @altonbrown Uh oh, drinks in the control room – that's a no-no. πŸ™‚ in reply to altonbrown #
  • .@altonbrown is rocking the iPad in the live Food Network Thanksgiving show. Is there an app for that? #FNThanksgiving #
  • @calamita That's a wrap on #FNThanksgiving ! Great show – congrats! Best tip for me: lots of chicken stock on hand for warming/moistening. #

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