Twitter Updates for 2011-12-04
Posted by Rich on December 4, 2011 in Uncategorized | ∞
- Elvis Costello wants you to steal his new record. Or at least not buy it Artists at war with their labels #sameoldstory http://t.co/FoCvlHCM #
- Forget "Inbox Zero", I need Instapaper "Read Later Zero" #
- I'm pretty sure the latest Droid phone is not actually "self aware". At least I hope not. #skynet #judgementday #
- This is unsettling. Some Android Sprint phones are apparently logging keystrokes & sending the data off somewhere. http://t.co/BHu6odqb #
- Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead are now on Netflix streaming. Because I don't already have enough stuff backed up in the DVR. #
- @bcriscuolo My in-laws *love* pickleball. 🙂 in reply to bcriscuolo #
- @nguarracino I like "Brooklyn" – such a better name than "Queens" or "The Bronx" in reply to nguarracino #
- @bcriscuolo @nguarracino Sadly, it's on a downward spiral: http://t.co/7uTjVegF in reply to bcriscuolo #
- At the Milford Lamplight Stroll. Downtown is really crowded. (@ Cafe Atlantique) http://t.co/yuShUO75 #
- Nice say for Christmas Tree hunting (@ Jones Tree Farm w/ 8 others) http://t.co/YM1IXkkk #
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