iPhone Scarcity

Posted by Rich on July 26, 2008 in Technology |

I’ve been in the market for an iPhone since my Blackjack met an unfortunate end at the hands of a rouge wave back in April. My plan was use an old phone or one from work until the 3G iPhone was released and get one of those. I didn’t want to wait in line, but […]


Twitter = IRC v. 2?

Posted by Rich on April 30, 2007 in Blogosphere, Technology |

It kind of dawned on me recently what Twitter really is. It’s not blogging, or IM, or texting. It’s really the worlds largest IRC channel, only with some finer grained control over who you see and pay attention to. I’m still a bit skeptical about its long term prospects, but I think I understand it […]


Times Reader

Posted by Rich on April 1, 2007 in News, Technology |

I’m a little late to the party, but today I downloaded and tried Times Reader, the standalone application that downloads and displays the New York Times. At first blush, I like it a lot. It took a long time to download, mostly because it uses .NET 3.0, which I didn’t have on my XP machine […]


“Biometric” soda machine

Posted by Rich on August 4, 2006 in Food, Technology |

“Biometric” soda machine: “ Filed under: Snacks, Science, On the Blogs, America Nicole recently posted about fingerprint scanners used by school cafeterias to ensure that kids are eating healthy meals. Well, some graduate students have now used similar technology to make getting junk food easier. An engineering professor at the University of California San Diego […]


Law & Order: Wet Behind The Ears

Posted by Rich on February 21, 2006 in Technology |

Since I’m a big L&O fan, I’ve been anticipating the premiere of the latest and greatest from Dick Wolf and company – “Conviction“, which chronicles the lives of newbie New York City ADAs premieres March 3rd. But it seems my wait will be shorter than anticipated. The pilot episode is available from iTunes for free […]


Headphone Options

Posted by Rich on February 16, 2006 in Technology |

Basics: On the Go With Upgraded Ears: A number of headphone options are available to improve the listening experience on portable music players. They include wireless headsets that can free you from having to deal with wires, sound-isolating earphones that form an acoustically sealed zone inside your ear canals, and noise-canceling headphones that reduce sounds […]



Posted by Rich on February 16, 2006 in Technology |

I know I’m pretty late to the party with this, but I’ve just recently “discovered’ Flickr. It’s not like I didn’t know it existed, but I haven’t had a chance to really look at what it’s all about. You can find some photos (mostly from my Treo) here.


Spammer Scott Levine Convicted

Posted by Rich on August 13, 2005 in Technology |

Slashdot sez: bani writes “Spammer Scott Levine was convicted of massive data theft from Acxiom Corporation. Prosecutors say his company, the now-defunct Snipermail.com, stole 1.6 billion customer records from Acxiom and sold the data. He faces a maximum of 640 years in prison under the law, though he will likely be sentenced to far less. […]


1 Million Songs

Posted by Rich on August 9, 2005 in Technology |

It only took Apple four days to dominate the lucrative Japanese music market as the company announced on Sunday that it had already sold more than 1 million songs on the iTunes Music Store Japan. Japanese artists claimed the number one song (Def Tech) and the number one album (Ulfuls). [Macworld]


KCRW Podcasting

Posted by Rich on July 22, 2005 in Technology |

KCRW Podcasting KCRW wants you to have music no matter where you sit or stand or jog or drive. There are still a few obstacles in the way of being able to offer you an entire free-form music show, so in the mean time, we’re working directly with bands who are unsigned or independent to […]

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