Twitter Updates for 2010-04-20

Posted by Rich on April 20, 2010 in Twitter Updates, Uncategorized |
  • @bcriscuolo @nguarracino I remember them well! Palm V is still on of my all-time fav devices. Interesting article, BTW. #
  • @bcriscuolo l’ll bet @nguarracino, remembers a somewhat recent Palm product with a certain fondness too. šŸ™‚ #
  • @nguarracino @cbassv We finally got some results in the F1 fantasy league. P1-Turtle Racing 252 P2-RB Racing 244 P3-guarracino 237 #
  • @nguarracino Agreed, not very nice. Although it likely pales in comparison to the Wrath Of Steve. I think most people feel sorry for the guy #

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