Twitter Updates for 2010-07-18

Posted by Rich on July 18, 2010 in Twitter Updates, Uncategorized |
  • Does anyone know if you have to knead/let rise store bought pizza dough (frozen), or is it good to go? Thanks! #
  • @trillian1117 Alas, no instructions. I figured it was good to go, but it’s nice to get some confirmation. Thanks! #
  • @lecpro There’s a Facebook app for twitter. If you set it up, it will post your tweets to FB. #
  • Dinner tonight: Flatbread pizza with ricotta, blueberries & honey. Unusual, but delicious. #
  • Also, thanks for the responses about the pizza dough. My first time making one at home. #
  • @tyronem Set it out & let it come to room temp under a towel, then rolled it out. Came out a little thicker than I wanted, but good. #

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