Twitter Updates for 2011-01-30

Posted by Rich on January 30, 2011 in Uncategorized |
  • @nguarracino Yeah, I don't think he "slipped" much there. in reply to nguarracino #
  • Let's hear it for the 3rd string quarterback. #
  • Thanks Bears, now the wife will be grumpy for the rest of the day. I say Hanie should be happy – did well for a 3rd stringer in a big game. #
  • And now onto Jets/Steelers. I have no dog in this race. Don't really like either team. #
  • RT @greggutfeld Steelers to the superbowl, Hawaii Five-0 up next. My god, it is 1974. #
  • @pressdog Blues Brothers FTW in reply to pressdog #
  • @natk @pressdog @groundedeffects @maximaguy97 Sorry i didn't reply earlier- Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood in reply to natk #
  • @natk @pressdog @groundedeffects @maximaguy97 …Locusts. IT WASN'T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD. in reply to natk #
  • So is @BarackObama up there with an iPhone twittering as he speaks? Don't text and speech! #
  • Article by @ebertchicago explains why 3-D won't ever work. http://bit.ly/ff2YnC #
  • Just realized the 24 Hours of Daytona is starting! Motorsport sure has a short offseason. #Rolex24 #
  • What to watch? 24 Hrs. of Daytona or " Mega Python vs. Gatoroid" with Debbie Gibson & Tiffany on SyFy? #
  • Dr. McDreamy's team in the lead. Continuing the long history of actors in racing. #Rolex24 #

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