Twitter Updates for 2011-02-13

Posted by Rich on February 13, 2011 in Uncategorized |
  • Super Bowl Spread http://instagr.am/p/Bcai-/ #
  • @nguarracino But how many people get the reference these days? in reply to nguarracino #
  • All the superbowl adds in the Facebook "Sports on Facebook" page: http://j.mp/ffzAvx #
  • @ctwebsites Sad I don't get BBC America. The American version just doesn't cut it. in reply to ctwebsites #
  • Apparently not a joke: Catholic Church okays new confession app for iPhone: http://nydn.us/fj1hyT #
  • @tyronem Way too many: ~200 feeds. Not that I ever read them all. Lots of "Mark all as read". in reply to tyronem #
  • Apple may open a store in Grand Central. Now I can check out cool expensive stuff I shouldn't buy even more often. http://bit.ly/ePYUEU #
  • Huh. Just found out there's an Apple store in MePa. Then I found out what "MePa" is (Meatpacking district) Does anyone actually use "MePa"? #
  • Trying @sparrowmailapp a native Mac GMail client. Pretty good so far -borrowed some of the cool Mac Twitter app UI w/o some of its oddities. #
  • Update of Fox Sports iPhone app adds #IndyCar & #F1 coverage. Although their App Store copy refers to "IRL". Oops. #
  • @nguarracino Me too! Those non-newtonian fluids are pretty cool. in reply to nguarracino #
  • One thing I miss in @echofon on Mac that Nambu had is autocomplete of "@" names. I can't always remember everyone's twitter handle. #
  • Catching up on "Being Human". Thought it would end up being a wannabe "True Blood", but it definitely stands on it's own. #
  • @wilshipley Nambu (for Mac DT) marks individual tweets read/unread. in reply to wilshipley #
  • Using Sparrow Mail app for a couple of days. Wasn't sure I'd like the pseudo-UIKit UI on the desktop, but it really works. Future of Mac UI? #
  • @nguarracino You could always get an iPad 🙂 in reply to nguarracino #
  • @nguarracino I hear Rupert Murdoch has a nice daily. in reply to nguarracino #
  • @nguarracino Actually, the TouchPad looks pretty cool. Just too bad it's not available for a while. in reply to nguarracino #
  • @ctwebsites Is Milka in the ARCA race today? That was pretty much the feeling when she was in IndyCar. I'll miss her – or not. 🙂 in reply to ctwebsites #
  • @ctwebsites Yeah, the only reason she had a ride in IndyCar was the money she brought. I don't think anyone there is sad to see her go. in reply to ctwebsites #
  • Tony Stewart & Jeff Gordon are 39. Feeling old. #
  • Listening to Hindu Love Gods (Peter Buck from REM & Warren Zevon) cover of Prince's "Raspberry Beret". It w… http://t.co/9wmr6ea #iTunes #

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