Twitter Updates for 2011-02-20

Posted by Rich on February 20, 2011 in Uncategorized |
  • @MelMulligan As a sound engineer, I appreciate the first part of item #4 Most don't think to turn things down when they have monitor issues in reply to MelMulligan #
  • I'll take the little necks, thanks. RT @WhatsUpMartha: Dozen roses or a dozen little necks on the half shell from Larsen's ? #
  • How Anonymous gained access to security firm that was going to out them: http://bit.ly/gbfFkX #
  • It's like a list of every security mistake you could possibly make. #
  • Nice! RT @mcmahonmusic: Always nice to have a good review… http://fb.me/KIRcPHZ4 #
  • Funny because it's true. RT @Oatmeal: What I think Obama is meeting with Jobs, Schmidt, and Zuckerberg about http://bit.ly/gSj61l #
  • @dave_rat Who's the doggie in the doorway? in reply to dave_rat #
  • Walked into the dentist & it's bright and sunny. Walked out and it's snowing. WTF? #
  • @tyronem AAA is the great little secret of license renewal. in reply to tyronem #
  • OK, that Extenze commercial with Jimmie Johnson never ceases to creep me out. #
  • @pressdog I know, right? They go well together with the carburetors. Super high tech all around. in reply to pressdog #
  • Shannon is playing Huntington St. Cafe in Shelton tonight. Come on down if you're in the area. #
  • Shannon on stage now http://instagr.am/p/Bt7ng/ #

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