Twitter Updates for 2011-03-06

Posted by Rich on March 6, 2011 in Uncategorized |
  • @lecpro You must be happy that Jeffie won today. #
  • @nguarracino I'm watching Wind Tunnel instead. in reply to nguarracino #
  • Heh. Check out @rosannecash tweeting in character in #JaneAustenAtTheOscars #
  • Not watching the Oscars, but following along on Twitter. Feel like I've got the good stuff without the boring parts. #
  • Anyone noticed that the "Pull to refresh" idiom on the iPhone has exploded like dandelions? #
  • The new MLB.com iPhone app is out and it's improved from last year. Much more focused on your favorite team. Like it a lot. Thanks @mlbatbat #
  • @msoracchi Lol, that would be a great sound effect for pulling a table down to refresh! Don't think Apple would approve though. in reply to msoracchi #
  • Trying out Hipstamatic on my iPhone. Does that make me a hipster? #
  • @thematthewshow "Badfinger: You are a Beatle." Funny! Alas, few will get it. in reply to thematthewshow #
  • Hurray! Preseason Yankees on TV. Another season underway. #
  • Stop & Shop seems to have stopped carrying Ray's New York Bagels, Too bad, they were the only frozen ones that were any good. #
  • Hello? Is it me you're looking for? http://j.mp/hK8vGy #
  • @lindythackston Does your church have really loud music? Or they a convenience for people who like to sleep through the service? 🙂 in reply to lindythackston #

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