Twitter Updates for 2011-08-21
Posted by Rich on August 21, 2011 in Uncategorized | ∞
- @ctwebsites That was one F-ed up end of a race. in reply to ctwebsites #
- @pressdog Looking forward to your race notes. They threw you one right over the plate – now hit it out of the park. #
- @99forever DW watches IndyCar? Who knew? in reply to 99forever #
- True. “@shacker: OH on the radio: "The stock market is the 13-year-old daughter of the economy. It overreacts to *every*thing."†#
- Warren Buffett on taxes. NYTimes: Stop Coddling the Super-Rich http://t.co/Rreamb4 #
- Dreamed that I was at a Jay-Z load-in/sound check and the FOH guy was playing James Taylor through the system. What does that mean? #
- @nguarracino Holy crap, I step away from the news for a day and a whole platform gets shot down! #
- @nguarracino Ha, I just saw a touchpad commercial on TV (w/ Lea Michele). #irony #
- @cbassV I'd love to answer, but I'm on a train traveling west at 50 MPH and have to meet a train that left Chicago traveling east at 100 MPH in reply to cbassV #
- @tyronem Which Shake Shack? Isn't there one in CT now? How does it compare to 5 guys? in reply to tyronem #
- Another stage collapse – WTF is going on? This is the fourth one this summer! @RollingStone http://t.co/q7MgcHK #
- @nguarracino Well, if it can't integrate with the iPhone… 🙂 in reply to nguarracino #
- Teenagers! They crack me up. “@shanmcbru: Overheard in Milford, CT: "You have a blog? You all have blogs? I want a blog!"†#
- Bathroom speakers in Cafe Atlantique playing "The Piña Colada Song" rather loudly. #questionabletaste #
- @tyronem Who loves ya baby? in reply to tyronem #
- That. Sounds. Awesome. “@slhamlet: In line at Folsom food fair for pad Thai tacos. Yes.†#
- @nguarracino It's for your custom application code for your custom application. Duh. 🙂 in reply to nguarracino #
- @nguarracino Try "42" in reply to nguarracino #
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