Twitter Updates for 2011-10-09

Posted by Rich on October 9, 2011 in Uncategorized |
  • My Giants Good Luck Charm http://t.co/1wTaIzTv #
  • IndyCar winner @67edcarpenter's helmet visor came loose during race. Drove 20 laps @ 218 MPH 1 handed while holding the visor until pit stop #
  • KCRW's Music Mine iPad app – very cool design makes you feel like you're "exploring" for music. Discovered Pajama Club, Neil Finn's band. #
  • Forget, "Damn You Autocorrect", I'm waiting for "Damn You Siri". I see some potential knee slappers there. 🙂 #
  • Background music on Apple's Siri video: Ray Charles, "What I'd Say". Har. #
  • CNN reporting Steve Jobs has died. #
  • RIP Steve Jobs http://t.co/SbcXFiC1 #
  • RT @pattonoswalt RIP Steve Jobs. Closest thing we had to Tony Stark. #
  •  #
  • Great S. Jobs quotes: http://t.co/cQBVBEWx “Being the richest man in the cemetery doesn’t matter to me…" #
  • Wow. Just Bizarre. http://t.co/vKIrddeK #
  • @nguarracino St. Raphaels? in reply to nguarracino #
  • OK, no more fooling around, Yankees. Time to get serious. #
  • @nguarracino Ah, gottcha. I figured Yale NH was the positive one. in reply to nguarracino #
  • Well, baseball season is over. See you next year. 🙂 #
  • Cool old car at lunch: http://t.co/IrTpka8M #
  • Let's try that again- Cool old car at lunch http://t.co/8WSTAvpu #
  • A month or so ago was the 4th anniversary of hashtags. Here's where they started out. Who remembers Jaiku? I do! http://t.co/AFp2guPz #
  • I liked Jaiku and I liked their idea of "channels" – like ad hoc IRC channels, which is what hashtags were originally considered to be. #
  • Wow, Jaiku still exists. Check out http://t.co/XehNi2yO My last post: Oct 2007. If I recall, Google bought them and then did nothing with it #
  • Snowblowers out already at Home Depot http://t.co/xCHNv0hK #
  • Are Safeties the most embarrassing scoring event in all of sports? #
  • ESPN & ESPN2 have gone to black on Cablevision. Lots of other folks tweeting about otter networks loosing the feed. #
  • ESPN networks are now back. World order has been restored. 🙂 #
  • …and it's gone again. Chaos & rioting resumes. #
  • Switching to the ND game. #

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