Twitter Updates for 2011-12-25

Posted by Rich on December 25, 2011 in Uncategorized |
  • How can it be that I have 2 whole drawers full of Tupperware but still can't find something appropriate for my leftovers? #
  • Saw the giant pancakes on the billboard on 95. Must. Have. Pancakes. (@ Chip's Family Restaurant) http://t.co/yyS7guV7 #
  • Mmmm, pancakes: http://t.co/BmYKoLXZ #
  • Sounds great to me! “@ejacqui: Sriracha mayo: great or great?” #
  • Getting Peppermint Stick Ice cream for the holidays. (@ Marge's w/ @shanmcbru) http://t.co/WM1kBdgF #
  • The stockings were hung by the chimney with care. http://t.co/MI4uuE4b #
  • There's always a couple of last minute things you've forgotten… (@ Rite Aid) http://t.co/izGoYpUQ #
  • Jebus, I just can't watch those Sarah McLachlan ASPCA commercials. #
  • Midnight Mass at 11:00 PM (@ St James Church) http://t.co/3U7gUfEz #
  • Good morning & Merry Christmas! #

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