Twitter Updates for 2012-01-01
Posted by Rich on January 1, 2012 in Uncategorized | ∞
- Christmas shindig with @calamita and @EmilyCalamita http://t.co/js9DAxj6 #
- Stocking up on coffee. (at @Starbucks) — http://t.co/tRKlCAMs #
- Stocking up on chicken soup, Kleenex and cold eez. 🙁 (@ Stop & Shop w/ @shanmcbru) http://t.co/y16LHll2 #
- A little late with this, but it's very funny. George Takei is great. http://t.co/3Lfk1BHq #
- Spending the day in NYC with a bad cold. Happy New Year! 🙂 (@ Metro North – Stratford Train Station) http://t.co/qP7A3art #
- The bar car is the place to be on the ride into the city. #legroom Also, when did the Fairfield Metro station open? #
- @nguarracino Nice! Do you take the train in? in reply to nguarracino #
- In GCT: http://t.co/2uLgITw1 #
- . @shanmcbru and Millie get ready for New Years. http://t.co/dZYXGQhV #
- Happy New Years! #
- Happy New Year! Heading home (@ Grand Central Terminal w/ 17 others) http://t.co/c9qN5B6q #
- @nguarracino I liked Lady G wearing what appeared to be that Worlds Fair globe thing in Brooklyn. in reply to nguarracino #
- Drunk people on the train are fun to listen to. At least, the non-violent ones are. #
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Twitter Updates for 2011-12-25
Posted by Rich on December 25, 2011 in Uncategorized | ∞
- How can it be that I have 2 whole drawers full of Tupperware but still can't find something appropriate for my leftovers? #
- Saw the giant pancakes on the billboard on 95. Must. Have. Pancakes. (@ Chip's Family Restaurant) http://t.co/yyS7guV7 #
- Mmmm, pancakes: http://t.co/BmYKoLXZ #
- Sounds great to me! “@ejacqui: Sriracha mayo: great or great?†#
- Getting Peppermint Stick Ice cream for the holidays. (@ Marge's w/ @shanmcbru) http://t.co/WM1kBdgF #
- The stockings were hung by the chimney with care. http://t.co/MI4uuE4b #
- There's always a couple of last minute things you've forgotten… (@ Rite Aid) http://t.co/izGoYpUQ #
- Jebus, I just can't watch those Sarah McLachlan ASPCA commercials. #
- Midnight Mass at 11:00 PM (@ St James Church) http://t.co/3U7gUfEz #
- Good morning & Merry Christmas! #
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Twitter Updates for 2011-12-18
Posted by Rich on December 18, 2011 in Uncategorized | ∞
- @nguarracino I think it's cute. #harharhar in reply to nguarracino #
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Twitter Updates for 2011-12-11
Posted by Rich on December 11, 2011 in Uncategorized | ∞
- @bcriscuolo Did you bring your pepper spray? in reply to bcriscuolo #
- Giants/Packers game starting. This will not be pretty. #
- @pressdog Going to try to catch up on Boardwalk Empire tonight in honor. in reply to pressdog #
- I'm raising my culinary game with this recipe: http://t.co/HPTVypTq #
- Today is Repeal Day, the day the 21st Amendment passed. Instead of drinking to celebrate, catching up on Boardwalk Empire. #nuckyapproves #
- Skillet Rosemary Chicken for dinner. #foodporn http://t.co/ga7Y88nA #
- Catching up on Fringe, saw Walter Bishop do a "Punch Buggy – Blue". @shanmcbru and @lecpro take note. #
- @nguarracino Sure, but it'll cost you. 🙂 in reply to nguarracino #
- A little bit of a display bug in the new @Flipboard app for iPhone. http://t.co/riHhFZFB #
- @nguarracino Apparently it's new layout/functionality you can access early by downloading the new client #achievementunlocked in reply to nguarracino #
- @nguarracino Oh yeah, I think it's pretty confusing. Hearing mixed reviews anyway. in reply to nguarracino #
- @nguarracino 8 nights of presents! What's not to like? in reply to nguarracino #
- @altonbrown I'd love that. Very cool. in reply to altonbrown #
- Caffeine break. Tall skinny peppermint mocha. (@ Starbucks w/ @shanmcbru) http://t.co/MnwBCnbc #
- Live version of "Pick Up The Pieces" by the Average White Band on VH1. Talk about an obscure blast from the past. #
- Our wreath this year. Bought a blank one from @JonesFamilyFarm and decorated it ourselves. Very "coastal New England". http://t.co/8og4jlS4 #
- @mattgemmell MAMP is definitely cool! in reply to mattgemmell #
- Reading about HP open sourcing webOS reminds me of Symbian. Not a good sign. #
- Of course, webOS seems like it's worth saving, whereas Symbian should have been shot, buried, dug up and shot again. #
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Twitter Updates for 2011-12-04
Posted by Rich on December 4, 2011 in Uncategorized | ∞
- Elvis Costello wants you to steal his new record. Or at least not buy it Artists at war with their labels #sameoldstory http://t.co/FoCvlHCM #
- Forget "Inbox Zero", I need Instapaper "Read Later Zero" #
- I'm pretty sure the latest Droid phone is not actually "self aware". At least I hope not. #skynet #judgementday #
- This is unsettling. Some Android Sprint phones are apparently logging keystrokes & sending the data off somewhere. http://t.co/BHu6odqb #
- Breaking Bad and The Walking Dead are now on Netflix streaming. Because I don't already have enough stuff backed up in the DVR. #
- @bcriscuolo My in-laws *love* pickleball. 🙂 in reply to bcriscuolo #
- @nguarracino I like "Brooklyn" – such a better name than "Queens" or "The Bronx" in reply to nguarracino #
- @bcriscuolo @nguarracino Sadly, it's on a downward spiral: http://t.co/7uTjVegF in reply to bcriscuolo #
- At the Milford Lamplight Stroll. Downtown is really crowded. (@ Cafe Atlantique) http://t.co/yuShUO75 #
- Nice say for Christmas Tree hunting (@ Jones Tree Farm w/ 8 others) http://t.co/YM1IXkkk #
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Twitter Updates for 2011-11-27
Posted by Rich on November 27, 2011 in Uncategorized | ∞
- Very cool short made with Google Street View. Clever use of a technology for something other than what was intended. http://t.co/KCkGkkt8 #
- @MacCooney Dig the special vertically oriented acoustic defusers, aka studs. in reply to MacCooney #
- @mattgemmell Looks to me like "Adobe ate your imagination" in reply to mattgemmell #
- The Oatmeal is always funny: Thanksgiving as a kid VS Thanksgiving as an adult http://t.co/wySt7QmP #
- So awesome: RT @Slate: Roots play Fishbone's "Lyin' Ass Bitch" to introduce Bachmann on Fallon's Show: http://t.co/r7QxlvRH (via @tyronem) #
- Hey, it's direct and to the point. RT @BoingBoing: Best. research paper abstract. evar. http://t.co/dVg6jOCz #
- Pumpkin Roulade for Thanksgiving (@ Scratch Baking) [pic]: http://t.co/DnwyJcuV #
- I just ousted Becca T. as the mayor of Oronoque Animal Hospital on @foursquare! http://t.co/2mpPeeMr #
- Today's agenda. Happy Thanksgiving! http://t.co/737rXmF4 #
- Tough life: “@Ihnatko: What movie roles were the Muppets auditioning for during the 12 years between Muppet movies? http://t.co/Rz6u0dxb†#
- "As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly." One of the funniest episodes in sitcom history. http://t.co/EIm8O48a #
- Cast iron skillet corn bread. Yum! http://t.co/PMebT4so #
- For the corn bread, I converted to grams and used the zeroing scale. More accurate and you don't need lots of different measuring implements #
- Haute Cuisine http://t.co/dBDtNDDF #
- @pressdog Bond: Who are you? PG: My name is Pussy Galore. Bond: I must be dreaming. in reply to pressdog #
- Sasha watching football. We let her up on special occasions. http://t.co/Dq5wFGde #
- So Ndamukong Suh has "balance" issues. This is true, but not in the way he seems to think. #
- Do people really get expensive cars for Christmas, parked in the driveway with a bow? There's a niche company – we make giant bows for cars. #
- @tyronem I *love* @rimshot_bot. <rimshot> in reply to tyronem #
- I just unlocked the "Fresh Brew" badge on @foursquare! Coffeecoffeecoffeecoffee. http://t.co/rzjlcfGI #
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Twitter Updates for 2011-11-20
Posted by Rich on November 20, 2011 in Uncategorized | ∞
- Yikes! 21 year old founder of Diaspora dies. Just got an invite the other day – it had some really interesting features. Very sad. #
- Watching the F1 race in Abu Dhabi. Have to say, that is the coolest most futuristic track I've ever seen. Looks like the Grand Prix of Space #
- @nguarracino Ha! "Dammit, why can't we get enough downforce???" in reply to nguarracino #
- So the guy who's bringing F1 to NY founded the YES Network and won at Le Mans in GT2. Interesting resume. Guess if anyone's qualified, he is #
- @ScratchBakingCT Thanks for having it! Looking forward to Pumpkin Roulade on Thanksgiving. in reply to ScratchBakingCT #
- @lecpro Agreed. After Thanksgiving is when Christmas season starts, not before Halloween! in reply to lecpro #
- @bcriscuolo It's awesome being untethered from iTunes! in reply to bcriscuolo #
- Note to self: Saving something to @instapaper is not the same as actually reading it. #infinitereadinglist #
- Bootsy Collins doing an Old Navy commercial for, um, boots. P-Funk royalties must be down. Does their target audience even know who he is? #
- @MacCooney Great idea! Combat ear fatigue by placing headphones directly over your brain. in reply to MacCooney #
- Wise words from B: “@Bootsy_Collins: @rbruchal Don't matter the target market, the funk will funk you up, IF EXPOSED. Now go funk somebody! #
- In all seriousness, @Bootsy_Collins is right. And if the target audience doesn't know who is is, they should. 🙂 #
- @pressdog Summary of most every Mailbag: 1. Things suck. 2. It's not like the good old days. 3. Tony George/TGBB is bad. in reply to pressdog #
- @MelMulligan I <3 telecasters. Bruce, Keith, Joe Strummer, Steve Cropper. The first solid body, really. in reply to MelMulligan #
- I've seen this more than once – Wisdom of the Ancients http://t.co/hKGnVZjO #
- Seen on a t-shirt ad: "Serotonin & Dopamine. Technically, the only things you enjoy." #
- Struggling to figure out how/why there are 2 teams called "Lotus" in F1? Here's a handy diagram explaining it all: http://t.co/eeqWMQMQ #
- @nguarracino Sadly, it's the closest I've come so far to actually understanding the whole thing. in reply to nguarracino #
- @lecpro Remember- Wax on, wax off. Paint the fence. in reply to lecpro #
- @tyronem <Panics> Global warming hits us where it hurts. in reply to tyronem #
- Shopping carts should have horns. Just a thought. #
- Switching back and forth between Michigan/Nebraska and "The Game". #
- And the UConn game. #
- @NorrisShepherd That's why it's going away. 🙂 in reply to NorrisShepherd #
- Yikes! Fatal accident in the tailgating lot at Yale/Harvard game. Kind of glad we didn't go this year. http://t.co/ugjdOXaG #
- @codinghorror IMHO, Monsters is one of their best. Bugs Life, not so much. in reply to codinghorror #
- Shannon playing a gig at this tiny, but very cool place. (@ RW's BBQ w/ @shanmcbru) [pic]: http://t.co/8ZHwcDxl #
- Ordered apple pie for dessert. My waitress did not know the phrase "a la mode". Jeez. #
- @altonbrown We'll be watching! If anythIng goes wrong, we're blaming @calamita 🙂 in reply to altonbrown #
- @altonbrown Uh oh, drinks in the control room – that's a no-no. 🙂 in reply to altonbrown #
- .@altonbrown is rocking the iPad in the live Food Network Thanksgiving show. Is there an app for that? #FNThanksgiving #
- @calamita That's a wrap on #FNThanksgiving ! Great show – congrats! Best tip for me: lots of chicken stock on hand for warming/moistening. #
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Twitter Updates for 2011-11-13
Posted by Rich on November 13, 2011 in Uncategorized | ∞
- @cbassV "That's what she said." Or something like that. in reply to cbassV #
- @ScratchBakingCT Congrats! Wlll stop w/ @shanmcbru in reply to ScratchBakingCT #
- First Over The Air iOS updates in progress. Very exciting. Who needs iTunes? #
- And both devices are updated. Cool. #
- Watching a couple of "Law and Order UK" episodes I recorded. It's not the same without New York. It was practically its own character. #
- Thanksgiving Blend! (@ Starbucks) [pic]: http://t.co/nIiW4uzw #
- @calamita Who's Joe? in reply to calamita #
- Everyone should check this place out – yummy stuff. “@ScratchBakingCT: Don't forget our birthday bash tomorrow! 🙂 http://t.co/3TorRAoi†#
- Too soon? “@gruber: Hey Penn State fans: "tailgating" doesn't mean what you think it does.†#
- @NorrisShepherd It'a all good – you've got you vitamins and your OJ. It's a healthy meal! in reply to NorrisShepherd #
- Checking out Diaspora. There's a lot about it I like (especially the federated aspect), but it's pretty lonely in here. Can it compete? #
- At @ScratchBakingCT 1st anniversary. Truly awesome baked goods. http://t.co/KZsjvtnN #
- Sunday morning walk around Milford Harbor http://t.co/meMnIBUo #
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Twitter Updates for 2011-11-06
Posted by Rich on November 6, 2011 in Uncategorized | ∞
- Halloween traffic is very light so far. Only a couple of customers. Might have something to do with the snow on the ground. #
- Life Saver Gummy Sours are the surprise hit of the night. Whoppers, not so much. #
- Two kids in Anonymous-style Guy Fawkes masks at my door. Time to check my network security? #
- Keeping a tally of trick-or-treaters. Expected a light turnout, but 98 so far. Running critically low on the good stuff, i.e. not whoppers #
- Watched DVR'ed "New Girl". The series summed up so far: "Boy, that Zooey Deschanel sure is adorably quirky." #
- Chicken Gumbo! (@ Liquid Lunch) http://t.co/MgcsAZhP #
- @calamita Google plus dig – Bazinga! in reply to calamita #
- @scolo Very funny! But I thought he didn't have the rights to Triumph, et. al. anymore. in reply to scolo #
- @tyronem Yeah, the parking domino effect. That's why parking with "neutral zones" between spaces is better. You can absorb someone's mistake in reply to tyronem #
- @mcmahonmusic playing tonight (@ Hideaway Cafe) [pic]: http://t.co/6cgOSf4r #
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Twitter Updates for 2011-10-30
Posted by Rich on October 30, 2011 in Uncategorized | ∞
- Street Fair On Broadway http://t.co/227LVC1n #
- Anniversary Dinner (@ Lobster House) http://t.co/k7c9RkXV #
- @NorrisShepherd @shanmcbru All I want to occupy right now is my own bed. It's been a long day. in reply to NorrisShepherd #
- @kmcgrady Have to say both, if it makes sense in a particular app. in reply to kmcgrady #
- @JPdeOliveira @OriolServia That sounds like a thermodynamics joke! 🙂 in reply to JPdeOliveira #
- @kmcgrady Off the top of my head, MLB At Bat is the only app I use regularly that has only one orientation. in reply to kmcgrady #
- @pepespizzeria The clam pie, of course. Followed by cheese & sausage. in reply to pepespizzeria #
- @nguarracino I'll be there! (if it actually comes to pass, which I'm not sure I'd bet money on.) in reply to nguarracino #
- @nguarracino Care to weigh in on the Dan Wheldon tragedy? #
- @nguarracino I think the wall isn't so much the problem anymore – google SAFER Barrier – but cars getting airborne an into the catch fence. in reply to nguarracino #
- @nguarracino That's what seems to be the problem here. But you're right that it usually takes a death for a series to make a quantum leap… in reply to nguarracino #
- @nguarracino ..in safety, e.g., Senna in F1, Earnhardt in NASCAR. IMO, IndyCars on high banked tracks results in big packs that… in reply to nguarracino #
- @nguarracino can't get out of their own way. in reply to nguarracino #
- @nguarracino Pepe's for me, please. Never been to Zuppardi's, worth trying? in reply to nguarracino #
- @tyronem Why not? It's going to snow tomorrow. 🙂 in reply to tyronem #
- Geez, it seems like Christmas gets here earlier every year. Halloween and Thanksgiving flew by so quickly I don't even remember them. #
- What the hell?? http://t.co/2OFk1U2g #
- So more people without power in CT now (400K, a new record) than after Hurricane Irene (the previous record). Crazy. #
- Actually, 700K without power in CT (not 400K) #
- Cablevision has the worst DVRs ever. For some reason, it recorded the rebroadcast of F1 qualifying and the prerace show, but not the race. #
- Brunch with @ChristineLimone and Mike (@ Corner Restaurant) http://t.co/xz8HCuS1 #
- Oops, forgot to mention my wife :). At brunch with Mike, @ChristineLimone and @shanmcbru #inthedoghouse #
- Beautiful snowy October morning. http://t.co/DFBMEcNI #
- Seconded. “@michellebranch: I agree! RT @nicbranch http://t.co/LgLjws4w†#
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