Posts by Rich:
Twitter Updates for 2012-01-01
- Christmas shindig with @calamita and @EmilyCalamita #
- Stocking up on coffee. (at @Starbucks) — #
- Stocking up on chicken soup, Kleenex and cold eez. 🙁 (@ Stop & Shop w/ @shanmcbru) #
- A little late with this, but it's very funny. George Takei is great. #
- Spending the day in NYC with a bad cold. Happy New Year! 🙂 (@ Metro North – Stratford Train Station) #
- The bar car is the place to be on the ride into the city. #legroom Also, when did the Fairfield Metro station open? #
- @nguarracino Nice! Do you take the train in? in reply to nguarracino #
- In GCT: #
- . @shanmcbru and Millie get ready for New Years. #
- Happy New Years! #
- Happy New Year! Heading home (@ Grand Central Terminal w/ 17 others) #
- @nguarracino I liked Lady G wearing what appeared to be that Worlds Fair globe thing in Brooklyn. in reply to nguarracino #
- Drunk people on the train are fun to listen to. At least, the non-violent ones are. #
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Twitter Updates for 2011-12-25
How can it be that I have 2 whole drawers full of Tupperware but still can't find something appropriate for my leftovers? # Saw the giant pancakes on the billboard on 95. Must. Have. Pancakes. (@ Chip's Family Restaurant) # Mmmm, pancakes: # Sounds great to me! “@ejacqui: Sriracha mayo: great or great?†[…]
Twitter Updates for 2011-12-18
@nguarracino I think it's cute. #harharhar in reply to nguarracino # Powered by Twitter Tools
Twitter Updates for 2011-12-11
@bcriscuolo Did you bring your pepper spray? in reply to bcriscuolo # Giants/Packers game starting. This will not be pretty. # @pressdog Going to try to catch up on Boardwalk Empire tonight in honor. in reply to pressdog # I'm raising my culinary game with this recipe: # Today is Repeal Day, the day […]
Twitter Updates for 2011-12-04
Elvis Costello wants you to steal his new record. Or at least not buy it Artists at war with their labels #sameoldstory # Forget "Inbox Zero", I need Instapaper "Read Later Zero" # I'm pretty sure the latest Droid phone is not actually "self aware". At least I hope not. #skynet #judgementday # This […]
Twitter Updates for 2011-11-27
Very cool short made with Google Street View. Clever use of a technology for something other than what was intended. # @MacCooney Dig the special vertically oriented acoustic defusers, aka studs. in reply to MacCooney # @mattgemmell Looks to me like "Adobe ate your imagination" in reply to mattgemmell # The Oatmeal is always […]
Twitter Updates for 2011-11-20
Yikes! 21 year old founder of Diaspora dies. Just got an invite the other day – it had some really interesting features. Very sad. # Watching the F1 race in Abu Dhabi. Have to say, that is the coolest most futuristic track I've ever seen. Looks like the Grand Prix of Space # @nguarracino Ha! […]
Twitter Updates for 2011-11-13
@cbassV "That's what she said." Or something like that. in reply to cbassV # @ScratchBakingCT Congrats! Wlll stop w/ @shanmcbru in reply to ScratchBakingCT # First Over The Air iOS updates in progress. Very exciting. Who needs iTunes? # And both devices are updated. Cool. # Watching a couple of "Law and Order UK" episodes […]
Twitter Updates for 2011-11-06
Halloween traffic is very light so far. Only a couple of customers. Might have something to do with the snow on the ground. # Life Saver Gummy Sours are the surprise hit of the night. Whoppers, not so much. # Two kids in Anonymous-style Guy Fawkes masks at my door. Time to check my network […]
Twitter Updates for 2011-10-30
Street Fair On Broadway # Anniversary Dinner (@ Lobster House) # @NorrisShepherd @shanmcbru All I want to occupy right now is my own bed. It's been a long day. in reply to NorrisShepherd # @kmcgrady Have to say both, if it makes sense in a particular app. in reply to kmcgrady # @JPdeOliveira […]